We are thrilled to announce the exceptional talents recognized in the 3rd annual ClayHouston Award for Texas BIPOC Ceramic Artists! The decision-making process was done blindly, and awardees were chosen by an external juror, Eliza Au, from an exceptional pool of applications. After careful consideration and deliberation, Eliza Au has selected the following artists for their remarkable contributions to the ceramic arts:

Mid-Career & Beyond Category

  • Du Chau

    Mid Career & Beyond Award Winner
    Carrollton, TX

  • Gabo Martinez

    Honorable Mention
    San Marcos, TX

Emerging Category

  • Dina Perlasca

    Emerging Award Winner
    El Paso, TX

  • Mariana Ruvalcaba Cruz

    Honorable Mention
    Corpus Christi, TX

Congratulations to these artists! They have demonstrated outstanding creativity, skill, and dedication to their craft. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to ALL the talented artists who submitted their work for consideration. We are honored to have had the opportunity to review their work and thank them for enriching the Texas ceramic community with their unique perspectives and voices. 

Thank you to all who contributed to making this award possible!